Demonstrating strong community need

Each idea should demonstrate how the proposal is meeting community needs, in line with the Melton City Community Vision, Melton City 2041 - The City We Create.

In preparing your idea, think about:

  • Who in the community your idea will be supporting?
  • What problem is your idea trying to solve or support?
  • Why is your idea important for Council to deliver?

To help prepare your idea, consider reviewing Council's strategic documents, including the current Council and Wellbeing Plan, the City of Melton Health and Wellbeing Profile and the City of Melton Community Profile and Population Forecasts.

General guidance and advice

  • Use plain English: Write your idea clearly and simply so other community members can easily understand what you're proposing.
  • Be concise: While the description can be up to 1,000 characters, we recommend keeping it under 150 words for clarity. Use tools like Microsoft Word or online word counters to ensure your idea stays within the recommended length.
  • Include supporting documents: If you have any relevant materials, feel free to upload them with your idea. Please let us know if they contain confidential information, as these documents may be included in Council Reports.
  • Mark your location: If your idea isn’t tied to a specific location, you can place the pin anywhere on the map – or use the location of your organisation or business if it’s service related.
Which theme of the existing Melton City 2041 Community Vision does your idea support?

Our well-built city

What's the name of your idea?

Accessible picnic settings and infrastructure at Melton City Park

Tell us more about your idea...

The current picnic settings in Melton City Park are in need of replacement, and have been weathered and damaged over time. It would be great to see the old picnic tables replaced with new accessible picnic settings which will support community members who have a range of different mobility requirements. This could include improved pathways connecting the picnic areas to the nearby disability parking spaces, and installing a mobility recharge point.

How much do you estimate it will cost Council to deliver? ($)
