Reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-indigenous Australians is about strengthening relationships. This is achieved through truth telling about Australia’s colonial past and working together on meaningful change. The aim is a just, equitable and reconciled Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have the same life chances and choices and where quality of life is not determined by racial background.

Each year, National Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June) is a chance for all Australians to learn and share how we can all contribute to achieving Reconciliation in Australia. Melton City Council has launched this page to hear local voices on what we can do to advance Reconciliation in our municipality.

Did you know?

Let’s talk about Reconciliation

As a part of our Reconciliation Week campaign and in preparation for NAIDOC in July, we are inviting EVERYONE to share positive and innovative ideas about the work of Reconciliation.

We are seeking your answers to one or all of these three questions to increase our understanding.

  1. What does Reconciliation mean to you?
  2. What can individuals or community groups do to support Reconciliation?
  3. Describe what a more reconciled Australia would be like

Please help us unite in the cause of Reconciliation by sharing your thoughts with the City of Melton community. Please note this content will be moderated and only positive contributions will be shared. We appreciate your cooperation with remaining respectful and empathetic.

All contributions go in the draw to win one of 10 $50 shopping vouchers

Please note: Your contact details remain provate and are collected for the prize draw only.