Amendment Status: Planning Panel Appointed

Planning Panel Hearing

A Panel Hearing for Amendment C232melt will be held in-person over eight days between Monday 26 August and Monday 9 September 2024.

The Panel consists of Con Tsotsoros (Chair), Andrew Grear, and Nicola Foxworthy.
Panel Hearing Timetable

Monday 26 August 2024

Room 6, Level 2, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne (Cliftons Melbourne)

Monday 2 September 2024

Meeting Room 11, Level 2, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne (Spring Street Conference Centre)

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Room 6, Level 2, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne (Cliftons Melbourne)

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Planning Panels Victoria, Hearing Room 2, Ground Floor, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Room 6, Level 2, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne (Cliftons Melbourne)

Thursday 5 September 2024

Planning Panels Victoria, Hearing Room 2, Ground Floor, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne

Thursday 29 August 2024

Room 6, Level 2, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne (Cliftons Melbourne)

Monday 9 September 2024

Planning Panels Victoria, Hearing Room 2, Ground Floor, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne

Online access to the Hearing

The Hearing can be accessed through online video conference for all days at:

Join the meeting now

Planning Panel Documentation

Public Exhibition

Public exhibition of Amendment C232melt to the Melton Planning Scheme occurred between Thursday 11 April and Thursday 16 May 2024.

34 submissions were received during the public exhibition period:

Late Submission

Supplementary Submission

Submissions are provided to the Planning Authority in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Submissions are part of an open public process where all parties affected by the planning scheme can provide input into the amendment. If you choose to make a submission, you consent to your submission being made public and being identified as the author of the submission. Your submission will be made available for public inspection at Melton City Council until two months after final approval of the planning scheme amendment.

Council Meeting 24 June 2024

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council of 24 June 2024, Council considered the 34 submissions received in response to Amendment C232melt to the Melton Planning Scheme during the public exhibition period.

It was resolved at this Ordinary Meeting of Council that Council request the Minister for Planning appoint an Independent Planning Panel to review all submissions received and the planning scheme amendment.

Planning Panel

The Minister for Planning has appointed an Independent Planning Panel to hear and consider submissions.

In accordance with clause 4(2) of Ministerial Direction No,15 the following panel hearing days have been set for this amendment:

  • Directions hearing - in the week commencing 22 July 2024
  • Panel hearing - in the week commencing 26 August 2024

The Directions Hearing was held on 23 July 2024.

For more information on Planning Panels, please visit

For more information on Amendment C232melt, please contact our Strategic Planning Team on 9747 7200 or email

Amendment Description

Melton City Council has prepared Amendment C232melt to the Melton Planning Scheme to implement the recommendations of the Toolern Development Contributions Plan Review and Toolern Precinct Structure Plan Refresh, February 2024.

The amendment applies to any land in the City of Melton, which is covered by:

  • Clause 37.07 Urban Growth Zone, Schedule 3 Toolern Precinct Structure Plan; and
  • Clause 45.06 Development Contributions Plan Schedule 3, Toolern Development Contributions Plan.

The amendment will amend Schedule 3 to Clause 45.06 Development Contributions Plan to introduce revised charges in the Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL), which is to be paid by developers, and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which is paid by the new homeowners in the Toolern PSP area (map below).

The proposed changes to the Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL) amounts are shown in the table below:

Charge AreaExisting DIL
(Indexed to $21/22)
Proposed DIL


Change to DIL


Charge Area 1




Charge Area 2




Charge Area 3




Charge Area 4




The proposed changes to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) amounts payable by each dwelling is shown in the table below:

Current CILProposed CILChange to CIL

$900 per dwelling

$873 per dwelling

-$27 per dwelling

The amendment will make other changes to the Melton Planning Scheme, including the following:

  • Amend Schedule 3 to Clause 37.07 Urban Growth Zone to make non-government schools a Section One Use, increase the shop floor area in Cobblebank Metropolitan Activity Centre where no permit is required, making a dwelling with a frontage of more than two metres in a Commercial 1 Zone a Section 2 Use, and adding a buildings and works provision for non-government schools. Changes have been made to ensure the schedule is consistent with the Form and Content of Planning Schemes Ministerial Direction (Minister for Planning, 19 January 2022).
  • Amend the Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay to remove an individual place (HO74) 148-200 Abey Road, Cobblebank as it burnt down in 2014.
  • Delete HO74 from 148-200 Abey Road, Cobblebank and amends Planning Scheme Map 8HO.
  • Amend the Schedule to Clause 66.04 Referral of Permit Applications Under Local Provisions to move referral provisions from Schedule 3 to Clause 37.07 Urban Growth Zone to this provision. Changes have been made to this provision to ensure the schedule is consistent with the Form and Content of Planning Schemes Ministerial Direction (Minister for Planning, 19 January 2022).
  • Amend the Schedule to Clause 72.04 Incorporated Documents by inserting the following documents:
    • Toolern Precinct Structure Plan (including Native Vegetation Precinct Plan), July 2011 (Amended June 2022); and
    • Toolern Development Contributions Plan, July 2011 (Amended June 2022).

The amendment documentation is available by clicking on the Exhibition Documents tab on the right of this page or can be viewed at the following locations:

  • During office house at:
    Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton
    Caroline Springs Library and Learning Hub, 193-201 Caroline Springs Boulevard, Caroline Springs