Amendment Brochure

Council has prepared a brochure that summarises the amendment.

Planning Report

Council has prepared a planning report which summarises the work undertaken to review the Toolern Precinct Structure Plan and the Toolern Development Contributions Plan and identifies (and summarises) the recommended changes to the Toolern PSP and DCP documents, and associated planning scheme ordinance.

Change Summary Documents

The following documents document changes made to the Toolern PSP and DCP documents, provides a reason for the changes, and identifies the source of the change.

Melbourne Water

Melbourne Water have updated the Drainage Service Schemes in the Toolern PSP area, and have provided us with the following documents to be incorporated into the Toolern PSP:

Heritage Review – HO74 Parklea

Extent Heritage were engaged to review the site subject to Schedule 74 to the Heritage Overlay, as the house identified in the Statement of Significance burnt down in 2014. Extent Heritage’s recommendations are contained within their recommendation report:

Community Infrastructure Project Review

ASR Research were engaged to review the anticipated number of dwellings and population of the Toolern PSP, and review whether community infrastructure was being provided to service the anticipated population. ASR Research’s recommendations are contained within their recommendation report:

Transport Project Review

Cardno were engaged to review the transport infrastructures identified in the Toolern PSP and DCP. Cardno prepared Functional Layout Plans, bridge designs, new road cross-sections, land take plans, a land take table on a property specific basis, and project cost sheets. Cardno’s recommendations are contained within their recommendation report:

Land Valuations Review

Charter Keck Cramer were engaged to undertake land valuations for infrastructure identified in the Toolern DCP. The land valuations are found in their report:

Adjoining Development Contributions Plans

Council undertook a review of the Rockbank PSP and Paynes Road PSP, which abut the Toolern PSP. The review revealed eleven transport projects that were apportioned to the Toolern DCP, and were not listed as projects in the Toolern DCP (three intersection projects, three road projects and five bridge projects):

Urban Design Frameworks

Council undertook a review of the Cobblebank Employment and Mixed-Use Urban Design Framework and the Cobblebank Metropolitan Activity Centre Urban Design Framework. The review identified three transport projects (one intersection and two bridge projects) that should be added to the Toolern PSP and DCP documents:

Development Contributions Plan – Excel Spreadsheets

Council has prepared three Excel Spreadsheets that show the changes to the Toolern Development Contributions Plan tables:

Original Development Contributions Plan – Manual Input

This spreadsheet contains all the data in the original Development Contributions Plan with no formulas applied.

Original Development Contributions Plan – Formulas Applied

This spreadsheet took the ‘original development contributions plan – manual input’ and applied formulas to it. This identified some errors in the current development contributions plan. The errors are identified in the spreadsheets.

Revised Development Contributions Plan

This spreadsheet has used the formulas in the ‘original development contributions plan – formulas applied’ spreadsheet, and has added the revised land areas, land acquisition costs, construction costs, and the revised projects identified in the above reviews.

Changes to the Future Urban Structure

Council has prepared a marked up plan that identifies the proposed changes to the Future Urban Structure in the Toolern PSP and Toolern DCP documents:

Infrastructure Project Status Plans

Council has prepared marked up plans that identifies the status of infrastructure projects identified in the Toolern Development Contributions Plan (DCP). The plans identify projects to be deleted, new projects to be added to the DCP, projects that have been constructed, and projects that were under construction in June 2022: