Project Background

The Sovereign Boulevard Reserve minor upgrade will create opportunities to provide a variety of natural and imaginative play experiences for a broad range of ages and abilities, improvements to seating, planting and shade throughout the reserve.

Have your Say

Thank you to everyone who provided valuable feedback during the consultation period from 18 July and

12 August 2022.

Feedback was collected through various channels, including an online survey, distribution of hard copy flyers, email submissions, phone consultations and a face-to-face session held at Sovereign Boulevard Reserve. Your feedback was taken into consideration when finalising the detailed design and documentation.

Please refer to the Document Library for the summary of feedback and Council's response.

Project Updates

Due to unexpected issues in the previous tender process, this project has undergone a second RFQ process and is currently under evaluation. Construction work is now expected to commence by the end of this year.

There are no changes to the final plan.