Consultation closed

Project Background

The Parkway Reserve Upgrade includes improvements to the footpath network, picnic facilities, and kick-about space, expansion of the existing playspace to include additional activities for older children and teens, additional tree planting and revegetation of the dry creek bed.

Melton City Council acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.

Have Your Say

Thank you to everyone who provided valuable feedback during the consultation period from 31 July and 26 August 2022. Feedback was collected through various channels, including an online survey, distribution of hard copy flyers, email submissions, phone consultations and a face-to-face session held at Sovereign Boulevard Reserve. Your feedback was taken into consideration when finalising the detailed design and documentation. Please refer to the document library for the summary of feedback and Council's response.

The final design is completed. The following modifications have been made to the original concept plan:

  • Removal of existing play equipment and adding additional valuable play equipment.
  • Including a kick-about space with two futsal goals.
  • Changes to the layout of proposed playground to better match the existing contours of the area.
  • Replacing the existing shelter with a new one.
  • Changes to the path network for improved accessibility.

Swipe to see changes between the concept and final plan

Concept Plan: Original Landscape Concept Plan Final Plan: Finalised Landscape Plan


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community Feedback

    Survey opens 25 July and closes 19 August

    Gathering feedback from the local community on the proposed landscape plans

  • Timeline item 2 - complete


    August – September 2022

    Taking what we learned and examining it in relation to our Concept Plan

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Design Development & Documentation

    January - September 2023

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Out for Tender

    January - April 2024

    Construction drawings out for Tender

  • Timeline item 5 - active


    May - December 2024

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Landscape Design Team
Phone 9747 7200