Melton City Council (Council) acting under clause 3 of Schedule 10 to the Local Government Act 1989 (Act), proposes to discontinue part of Murray Road, Thornhill Park (the Road) shown hatched in the plan below, being part of the land contained in certificate of title volume 9829 folio 174 and known as part of Murray Road.

Murray Road Thornhill Park

The section of Road is no longer reasonably required for general public use. The unused road reserve is proposed to be consolidated into the neighbouring lot at 121 Murray Rd, to facilitate Council’s delivery of the Payne’s Rd Community Centre Hub.

Any person may make a submission in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy, and must have done so in writing within 28 days of the date of publication of this notice, that is by 5pm on 18 January 2022. Any person who wished to speak at a Section 223 Submissions Advisory Committee Meeting in support of their written submission must have requested this in their submission.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer.

All submissions will be considered in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy. If any person wished to be heard in support of their written submission, then Council will convene a Section 223 Submission Advisory Committee Meeting to accommodate those who requested to be heard in person (via video conference).

Any person making a submission should be aware that their submission including their personal information may form part of the agenda and minutes of a meeting of the Council and be available to the public.

Following the consideration of any submissions, Council may resolve to discontinue part of Murray Road as detailed above, or not proceed with the proposal.

Further information regarding the road discontinuation may be obtained from Cole Sloan, Legal Officer on 9747 7200 or email:

Maurie Heaney