Melton City Council (Council) gives notice as the relevant Naming Authority pursuant to the Naming Rules for places in Victoria- Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities- 2016 (Rules), of its intention to submit a commemorative naming proposal for the new Sports Complex Building and main sportsground at MacPherson Park at 783-857 Coburns Road, Toolern Vale.

Commemorative Naming Proposal

It is proposed that the newly developed sports complex and main sportsgrounds shown below will be named the ‘Higginbotham Sports Complex’ in commemoration of one of the Melton Football & Netball Club’s life-long active club members and former Club President; Kenneth Higginbotham.

Kenneth Higginbotham served as a member of the Melton Football Club Committee until his passing in 2019, providing decades of service as a continuous volunteer along with his wife Norma Higginbotham. During this time he assisted as Club President, Secretary and Treasurer. He was also voted and endorsed as a life member of the Club.

Ken also served as the President and Member of the Lions Club of Melton, whose selfless service to the community for over 50 years, received the International President's Appreciation Award from the District Governor.

Feedback and Submissions

Council sought feedback from the community in supporting or objecting to the naming proposal.

Submissions closed 18 March 2021.

Further information regarding the proposal may be obtained from our Legal Officer, Cole Sloan on 9747 7200.