Melton City Council is developing a master plan for Hannah Watts Park which includes Melton Recreation Reserve and The Willows Historical Park.
Hannah Watts Park is a treasured asset that is well utilised because of its natural setting, rich historical content and the wide range of activities it provides for. The master plan will create a future vision for the precinct, defining short and long-term improvements.
Council are holding an online survey as well as a drop in sessions on site at Hannah Watts. The drop in session will provide an opportunity to discuss the Draft Precinct Master Plan(PDF, 24MB) and provide feedback.
Drop-in session
11am – 2pm Saturday 22 September 2018
Where: Near the BBQs and shelters at Hannah Watts Park (near High Street)
The online survey will be open until 7 October.
Funding Partners
Melton City Council would like to acknowledge the support of the Victorian Government through the Growing Suburbs Fund towards the Hannah Watts Park precinct project.