We are developing a new Circular Economy Strategy that will guide how we manage waste and resources in the City of Melton in the future.

A circular economy aims to transform how we make and use products. It challenges us to think about how we can use things again and again.

The City of Melton is growing fast, with population set to grow from 216,389 residents to 303,668 residents in 2031 and 450,823 residents in 2051. This presents waste management challenges and the need for innovation on how we manage our waste, now and into the future.

The circular economy model involves reducing, reusing, repairing, sharing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. Circular economy forms a part of the framework of the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria policy and federally mandated targets and actions to improve recycling and divert 80 per cent of all waste from landfill by 2030.

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What can be influenced?

  • Programs, services or community initiatives that Council could support to increase the repair or reuse of items in the City of Melton
  • Programs, services or initiatives that Council could implement to increase uptake of circular business activities within the City of Melton
  • Council procurement of circular goods and services that align with the strategy objectives
  • Interventions that Council could implement to improve resource recovery and reduce contamination in the kerbside bins
  • Education and support for litter and illegal dumping
  • Strategy vision, objectives, and principles

What can’t be changed?

  • Waste charge
  • Waste service delivery obligations as outlined in state government regulations and legislation
  • Services and programs must be viable and support the local transition to a circular economy
  • Compliance for litter and illegal dumping