Project Background

Feedback on the Melton East Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) are now open and will close on 31 March.

This project is being led by the State Government’s Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) who are working in collaboration with Melton City Council, other State Government agencies, service authorities and landowners.

The Melton East precinct is located 35km north-west of Melbourne’s CBD, to the east of the existing Melton township and covers the suburb of Grangefields and we encourage people living and working in this suburb and surrounds to provide their input.

The precinct covers an area of 1,005ha, bounded by Kororoit Creek to the north-east, Western Freeway to the south, Leakes Road to the east and the Melton Highway to the north-west and is planned to be home to 14,000 homes, accommodating 43,000 residents in its ultimate form.

The precinct will complement existing surrounding development through the provision of residential and commercial opportunities. The precinct is included in the Melbourne Strategic Assessment area and includes Biodiversity Conservation Strategy conservation areas along Kororoit Creek.

Have your say

The Melton East PSP is now about to enter a major milestone in the planning process, which includes the formal exhibition of the PSP and associated Planning Scheme Amendment (public consultation).

This consultation period will commence on Monday 3 March and will conclude Monday 31 March.

For further project information, refer to Melton East Precinct Structure Plan on Engage Victoria.

If you have any other queries regarding Melton East or the PSP 2.0 process, please contact the State Governements VPA Project Team.