Please note: this consultation is closed and the draft plan has been adopted by Council.
For more information on the adopted Council and Wellbeing Plan, please visit our website here
Project Background
Under the Local Government Act 2020, a council must prepare and adopt a Council Plan for a period of at least the next four financial years after a general election in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices.
Melton City Council has incorporated the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan into the Council Plan. In doing this, Council reinforces its high-level commitment to promoting, improving and protecting public health and wellbeing in everything we do.
Council is committed to strategic and inclusive planning for the future and as part of this, has developed the draft Council and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 (the Plan). The Plan is what underpins of the City’s policy development, decision making and community accountability.
The Plan represents our priorities for moving toward achieving Council’s medium-term outcomes over the next four years. It describes Council’s vision, mission, themes, objectives, strategic indicators and strategies. It guides the development of all operational plans, organisational strategies, resource plans and annual budgets.
Council has developed the draft Council and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 from a range of key inputs which include the community’s vision Melton City 2041 – The City We Create and engagement with a community panel as part of a deliberative engagement process. This was a new way of involving our community in the development of Council’s strategic plans, as prescribed under the Local Government Act 2020.
Have your say
Council sought additional community input in the final stage of the Plan’s development specifically in relation to the themes, objectives, strategic indicators, and strategies outlined within the Plan.