Consultation closed

Project background

Bulmans Road is an important link within the City of Melton. It connects the suburbs of Harkness and Melton West to the township of Melton, Woodgrove Shopping Centre and the Western Freeway. Currently the two schools along Bulmans Road, Catholic Regional College (CRC) and St Catherine of Siena Primary School, generate significant traffic volumes resulting in safety and congestion concerns. The project helped to address these concerns for all users, including pedestrians.

The works included:

  • Urbanisation of Bulmans Road (kerbs, underground drainage, centre median islands)
  • Road widening and realignment
  • Additional service roads
  • Formalised on-street parking
  • Shared paths and footpath links
  • Cyclist lanes and links
  • Landscaping
  • Public lighting realignment
  • Underground services relocations (electricity, water, gas, and communications)

A report on the consultation phase that was completed in during the consultation phase is available in the document library.

The project was completed in January 2025. We want to thank the community for their patience while we completed the works.

Project progress photos

Previous road conditions

Images of the road before the project.

Traffic Modelling on Bulmans Road