Consultation closed

Project Background

The Bridge Road Active Open Space Masterplan provides a vision for additional facilities at this reserve to support team sports and informal recreation for the community. The new facilities would include; an oval for AFL football and cricket, tennis courts, cricket practice nets, additional hockey field, netball court, visitor and player amenities, tree planting and landscape improvements.

Have Your Say

Feedback was collected through various channels, including via an online survey, a hard copy flyer, email and at a weekend drop-in session held at Bridge Road Recreation Reserve.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback, it helps us understand what is important to the community and why, as well as identify any other opportunities for improvements.

Consultation summary

Feedback was reviewed and taken into consideration when reviewing the detailed design and documentation. Changes were made based on the feeback that were within the project and budget scope, including drinking fountains, bike rack, a BBQ and undercover seating.

Please refer to the document library for the summary of feedback.

Project updates

Keep up to date on the progress of delivering the masterplan on the Melton City Council website.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Capital Delivery Team
Phone 9747 7200