Consultation Closed

Project background

Council is revitalising Black Knight Way Reserve in Kurunjang to provide opportunities for play, sport and social amenity for a broad range of ages and abilities. The proposed concept plan includes a play space, nature play, improved path network, additional tree planting for shade and an improved turf kick-about space.

Melton City Council acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government in the delivery of this project.

Have your say

Thank you to everyone who provided valuable feedback during the consultation period from 5 July to 18 July 2021. Feedback was collected through various channels, including an online survey, distribution of hard copy flyers, email submissions, and phone consultations.

Unfortunately, the scheduled face-to-face consultation session at Black Knight Way Reserve had to be cancelled due to outdoor gathering restrictions imposed by the Victorian State Government at that time.

Your feedback was taken into consideration when developing the detailed design and documentation.

Please refer to the document library for the summary of feedback and Council's response.

Project updates - Project Completed

A biodiversity assessment was undertaken and the presence of threatened native grass species Fragrant Saltbush and an ecological community - Western (Basalt) Plains Grassland Community in this area was identified. The final design has taken into account

By fencing off the area where it was found, we can protect the fragile and ecologically significant vegetation and habitats in the area and comply with state and federal environmental laws.

The area identified is located in the northeast corner, which is steep, and not suitable for activities and far from the playground area. The rest of the park will be open for activities. This means the native vegetation won’t really affect how people use the park.

Modifications have been made to the concept plan so that this is taken into account on our final plan. These modifications are:

  • Removal of the proposed half basketball court.
  • Combining two footpaths into one central footpath to the east of the reserve.
  • Removal of the proposed futsal goal, while retaining an open kick-about area.
  • Changes to proposed plantings that encroached upon the native grassland.
  • Protective fencing around the identified Natural Temperate Grassland in the northeast area.

Construction is now completed .


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community Feedback

    Survey opens 5 July 2023

    Gathering feedback from park users and residents on the proposed plans.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete


    July - August 2023

    Taking what we learned from community feedback and examining it in relation to the Concept Plan.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Design Development & Documentation

    August – September 2023

    Developing the design and preparing documentation drawings for construction.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Out for Tender

    April 2023

    Construction drawings out for Tender.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete


    December 2023 to July 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - active

    Open to Public

    August 2024 till now

Contact Us

Have a question or want to learn more about this project? Get in touch to find out more.

Contact Information
Name Landscape Design Team
Phone 9747 7200