Consultation closed

Project background

Melton City Council developed the draft Asset Plan 2021-2031, a suite of documents that outline how Council will improve the way we deliver services and outcomes for our community’s infrastructure including transport, buildings, stormwater and open space assets.

The suite of documents is comprised of the Asset Management Strategy and four Asset Management Plans. These aim to ensure that Council’s asset management and infrastructure services are provided in an economically optimal way, with the appropriate level of service to residents, visitors and the environment. They also reference our community’s vision Melton City 2041 – The City We Create to ensure our community’s aspirations are at the heart of everything we do.

The Asset Plan 2021-2031 complements the Council and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 and the Financial Plan 2021-2031. Together these documents guide the long-term sustainability of Council, all whilst demonstrating a willingness to work with community groups, stakeholders, volunteers, businesses and residents, collaboratively and creatively, to overcome any challenges we may face to achieve our goal of becoming a flourishing City.

Have your say

The draft Asset Plan was developed from a range of key inputs which include the community’s vision Melton City 2041 – The City We Create and engagement with a community panel as part of a deliberative engagement process. This is a new way of involving our community in the development of Council’s strategic plans, as prescribed under the Local Government Act 2020. Council then sought additional community input in the final stage of this Plan’s development specifically in relation to the Asset Management Strategies listed below and on page 10.

This plan has now been adopted and we are now longer receiving feedback.

The 11 asset management strategies within the draft Asset Plan 2021-2031 that propose how Council will manage and maintain assets are outlined below:

  • Annually review and update Asset Management Plans (AMPs).
  • Long term Long Term Financial Plan incorporating asset management plan expenditure projections with sustainable funding position outcomes.
  • Ensure Council’s decisions are made from accurate and current information in asset
  • Ensure responsibilities for asset management are identified and incorporated into staff position descriptions.
  • Implement an Improvement Plan to realise core maturity for the asset management competencies within 4 years.
  • Incorporate Year 1 of Long Term Financial Plan expenditure projections into annual budgets.
  • Move from annual budgeting to Long Term Financial Plan across all asset categories.
  • Report half-yearly to Council by Asset Management Steering Committee on development and implementation of the Asset Management Strategy, Asset Management Plans and Long Term Financial Plan.
  • Report on Council’s resources and operational capability to deliver the services needed by the community in the Annual Report.
  • Review and update Asset Management Plans and Long Term Financial Plan after the adoption of annual budgets. Communicate any consequence of funding decisions on service levels and service risks.
  • Monitor opportunities for enhancing data collection methods by embracing advancement in new technologies and systems.

Feedback closed at 5pm, Tuesday 3 August.

All feedback submissions were considered and included in a report at the Council Meeting on Monday 27 September 2021.

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Contact Information
Name Asset Management & GIS Coordinator
Phone 9747 7200