Project Background
The Active & Engaged Seniors Project is an initiative of Council that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of local people aged 55 years and over by providing greater opportunities and encouraging increased participation in a variety of age appropriate activities in the City of Melton.
Why Council are Completing this Project
The project is being undertaken as a response to a report by the Senior Commissioner for Victorians, ‘Ageing is Everyone’s Business’. The report found that seniors need more opportunities to join, attend and participate in clubs, groups, organisations and activities in the community.
What the Project Seeks to Understand
The project will look to understand the needs and aspirations of seniors’ lifestyle, personal safety, happiness and community wellbeing and how these may vary within each local community. It will also aim to recognise what makes a welcoming and age friendly environment for older people.
What we heard
The Melton Active and Engaged Seniors Report was developed in 2021. The priorities outlined in the report were created based on the feedback obtained from participants over the age of 60 years that took part in online and in person engagement sessions across the City. These priority areas have been integrated into the programs and services delivered across Council’s community facilities to support people over the age of 60 years living and working in Melton.
The full report of findings from the consultation process is available in the Document Library.