Facilitate Industrial Growth and Diversification
Our rapidly growing industrial sector is a major community asset and employer. We aim to support the growth and diversification of CoM’s industrial sector.
We want to ensure that the City of Melton has a sufficient future supply of commercial and industrial land to help our economy grow and provide employment opportunities for our rapidly growing community.
To help meet the future needs of the community, we have developed the Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy.
This strategy sets the strategic vision, directions, and a framework to guide the long-term use and development of industrial and commercial land in the City of Melton. It also establishes employment precincts across the municipality to help guide future employment opportunities and land uses.
The Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy has been adopted by Council at its meeting on 24 June 2024.
You can download and read the summary or the full version of the Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy below.
Community and stakeholder feedback was sought on the draft Strategy between 15 January and 29 February 2024. Council received and responded to 27 submissions. The draft Strategy has been updated in response to the feedback received.
Council officers reviewed the consultation findings and prepared the Consultation Report. You can view the report below or a hard copy is available at the Melton Civic Centre.
Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy (MEILS) Consultation Report
Thank you to the stakeholders, landowners and interested community members who took their time to put in a submissions, attended the Industry Briefings or called to discuss the Strategy.
For further inquiries or information, please contact our Strategic Planning Team at 9747 7200 or email citysupport@melton.vic.gov.au
The Economic Corridor connects our existing and future economic areas and activity centres along the Western Freeway and Melton train line. Direction 2 of the draft Strategy outlines the vision for the Economic Corridor and sets a pathway to creating job opportunities, industry growth, social development and access to services in one corridor network.
As the Corridor’s population will continue to grow, there is a unique opportunity to shape its future now.
We are seeking your feedback on the vision, directions and objectives for the Western Freeway Economic Corridor outlined in Direction 2 of the draft Strategy.
Our rapidly growing industrial sector is a major community asset and employer. We aim to support the growth and diversification of CoM’s industrial sector.
We have a unique opportunity to facilitate and nurture a range of thriving economic locations that will welcome over 250,000 new residents over the coming decades. We aim to harness the economic benefits of growth.
In preparing for the future, we need to ensure our land use settings support innovation, new mobility technology, new energy infrastructure and a low emissions future.
1: Ensure the supply of industrial land.
2: Advocate for the delivery of the Western Intermodal Freight Precinct.
3: Optimise, protect and direct Industrial Industries.
4: Boost industrial employment, productivity, and amenity.
5: Facilitate a high productivity and highly integrated Western Freeway Economic Corridor.
6: Promote and support Melton’s unique workforce capability.
7: Foster commercial investment in the City’s activity centre network.
8: Ensure land use settings support innovation.
We invited landowners, businesses and developers to provide additional input. It will help us to identify new land use opportunities or potential obstacles and contribute to our ongoing effort to shape the future of our employment precincts.
On Tuesday 13 February, Council held an online Industry Briefing to provide an overview of the draft Strategy and its key directions to businesses, landowners and developers of the industrial and commercial areas.
For those who were unable to attend the briefing, we have recorded the webinar and made it available, along with the presentation slides.
The draft Strategy introduces a municipality-wide Industrial Land Use Framework and a set of mapped employment Precinct Plans.
While the Western Freeway Economic Corridor sets a vision and highlights specific locations, the Industrial Land Use Framework and employment Precinct Plans represent commercial and industrial land throughout municipality, both within and beyond the Corridor.
Five employment precincts have been identified and precinct-focused plans have been prepared to outline their future economic roles, long-term growth directions and key infrastructure needs.
Click on the precinct name above to load an image with details. Please refer to the draft strategy for more detailed information on each of these precincts.
To inform the development of the draft Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy, a Background Report was prepared. The Background Report was finalised in July 2023. It includes data on forecasted employment, trends analysis, land scenario modelling and feedback received from the external stakeholders.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Stage 1 – Preparing the Background Report
August 2022 – July 2023
Timeline item 2 - complete
Stage 2 – Preparing the Draft Melton Employment and Industrial Strategy
August – December 2023
Timeline item 3 - complete
Stage 3 – Public consultation on the Draft Melton Employment and Industrial land Strategy
15 January – 29 February 2024
Timeline item 4 - complete
Stage 4 – Review of public consultation findings and preparation of consultation report
March - April 2024
Timeline item 5 - complete
Stage 5 – Preparing final Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy
May 2024
Timeline item 6 - complete
Stage 6 – Adoption of Melton Employment and Industrial Land Strategy
Adopted 24 June 2024
No, the draft Strategy does not propose any changes to the existing zones or their schedules. The emphasis is on strategic planning, setting directions and providing Council with a tool to advocate for actions that unlock employment land supply and facilitate future growth. The strategy aims to work within the existing planning regulations to achieve its goals, ensuring the protection and appropriate use of industrial and commercial areas.
The Strategy aims to positively impact businesses by ensuring a clear strategic intent for employment areas. It prioritises actions to advocate for the commencement of employment Precinct Structure Plans to support future growth. The overall goal is to enable businesses and jobs in location where they are needed while maintaining flexibility for the preferred land use outcome. Businesses within the industrial and commercial areas are encouraged to participate in the consultation process to provide their insights and feedback.
The Western Freeway Economic Corridor identifies the priority nodes within the precincts to facilitate their economic development. It is a focus area for future employment growth aligned with the state government policies. The vision for the Economic Corridor entails building on the existing transport advantages of the Melton train line and the Western Freeway to link people to jobs and places via high quality transport options.
The Industrial Land Use Framework proposed in the draft Strategy is primarily prepared for the field of land use planning and planning professionals. It aims to make sure industrial land is used well and protected. It seeks to bring clarity and certainty for industrial investments, support different types of businesses, promote clustering of compatible uses, and prevent potential land use conflicts. It also recognizes the importance of flexibility, allowing for a mixture of industrial typologies in different circumstances, such as buffering major industries from residential areas and incorporating worker amenities in major industry areas.
Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:
Name | Strategic Planning Team |
Phone | 9747 7200 |
citysupport@melton.vic.gov.au |
Civic Centre
Phone: 03 9747 7200
Online: General Enquiry Form
Address: 232 High Street, Melton, VIC 3337
Postal Address: PO Box 21, Melton, VIC 3337