Melton City Council has prepared Amendment C170 to the Melton Planning Scheme.

The amendment proposed to implement the findings of the Development Plan Overlay Review January 2019 (PDF 9.55MB) which is that 8 of Council's 16 existing DPO Schedules be removed either partially or in their entirety as they are no longer an appropriate planning control, given the development that has occurred.

Amendment status: Gazetted

Amendment C170 was Gazetted (approved) by the State Government on 30 September 2021.

The DPO Schedules affected by the amendment are:

Extent reduced:

  • Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 1 Melton East growth Area (DPO1)
  • Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 11 Clarkes Road, Brookfield (DPO11)


  • Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 5 Banchory Grove and Bellevue Hill (DPO5)
  • Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 7 Tenterfield Estate (DPO7)
  • Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 8 Taylors Road, Burnside (DPO8)
  • Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 12 Truganina Industrial Estate (DPO12)
  • Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 13 Ravenhall Freeway Business Park (DPO13)
  • Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 15 Western Highway Restricted Retail Site (DPO15)

What is the Development Plan Overlay (DPO)?

The DPO is a planning control in the Melton Planning Scheme that currently applies to significant parts of the municipality. The DPO is used to coordinate and guide the appropriate use and development of vacant land. This can help ensure that residential estates are developed in a way that ensures roads and open space are logically connected from estate.

Are you affected?

To find out whether this amendment affects you visit the search portal which allows you to search your property address and identify whether your address is covered by a Development Plan Overlay Schedule which is being removed.

Submissions for this amendment closed 7 April 2021.


A planning scheme sets out the planning rules including state and local policies, zones, overlays and provisions that inform planning decisions.

The DPO is a planning control in the Melton Planning Scheme that currently applies to significant parts of the municipality. The DPO is used to coordinate and guide the appropriate use and development of vacant land. This can help ensure that residential estates are developed in a way that ensures roads and open space are logically connected from estate.

Changes to the planning scheme are called amendments and the process is set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987. An amendment may involve a change to a planning scheme map (for example: removing an overlay), a change to the written part of the scheme, or both. In this instance Council has prepared the planning scheme amendment and will submit the amendment to the Minister for Planning for approval. Only the Minister for Planning has the authority to approve a change to the planning scheme.

The purpose of Amendment C170 to the Melton Planning Scheme is to remove Development Plan Overlays (DPO) that are no longer required, because all the land is now developed.

A review was undertaken of all DPO’s in the City of Melton in the Development Plan Overlay Review January 2019. The review recommended that eight of the existing DPO’s be removed either partially or fully as they are no longer required as the land has been substantially developed.

The DPO’s have served the purpose they were put in place for and no longer have a role in guiding planning decisions. They are being removed from areas that are established residential estates.

Removing the DPO’s will provide residents/property owners with the same planning rights as other City of Melton residents. Currently residents within estates covered by a DPO are prevented from receiving notice of a planning application for development and do not have appeal rights to VCAT for any decision Council makes in relation to the planning application. The removal of the DPO’s will allow residents/ d property owners to have third-party notice and appeal rights. This means residents/property owners will be notified of and have the opportunity to object to a planning application.

Comments or objections can be provided during the exhibition period from 25 February – 7 April, 2021. A submission must be sent to:

Manager City Design and Strategy
Melton City Council
PO Box 21
Melton VIC 3337

Via email:


Submissions must be made in writing must provide the submitter's name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposes and what changes, if any, the submitter wishes to make.

Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions.

Council meeting or public hearings may be either in person or via electronic means, subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

Submissions are part of an open public process undertaken in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 where all parties affected by the planning scheme amendment can provide input.

If you chose to make a submission, you consent to your submission being made public, and being identified as the author of the submission.

Submissions will be made available for public inspection at Melton City Council and online until two months after final approval of the planning scheme amendment.