Urban Design Framework

We have prepared a draft Urban Design Framework (UDF) for the Aintree Major Town Centre.

An Urban Design Framework (UDF) is a detailed planning and design document that sets out a vision for the area to guide its use and development and will provide the framework for assessing planning permit applications.

The town centre is approximately 50 hectares in size and will be located in the suburb of Aintree and serve the immediate and wider area as a hub for shopping, services, food, and entertainment.

The Aintree UDF was open for consultation from 16 October to 13 November 2023. Thank you to the stakeholders, landowners and interested community members who have put in a submission, attended the community consultation workshop, or called to discuss this project.

Council has reviewed all submissions and met with submitters to resolve any outstanding matters.

Project Status Update

Due to the key matters raised in submissions by state government agencies that require external modelling and investigations to be completed prior to being able to provide certainty and support for the UDF, Council has made the decision to place the UDF on hold until further notice.

Further updates will be provided once work on the UDF recommences.

Location of Aintree MTC

​Map showing the location of Aintree MTC in relation to the Western Freeway and Woodlea Local Town Centre. It shows the boundary at Leakes Road in the west, Kororoit Creek corridor in the north and the existing Woodlea residential development in the east

Background and Technical Reports

As part of the UDF process, a background report was prepared. The Background Report was finalised in August 2023 and included technical reports and modelling for traffic, drainage and flood modelling, and an economic assessment peer review which can be viewed from the links below:

Aintree Major Town Centre Background Report

Rockbank North MTC UDF – Technical Traffic Report – FINAL

Technical Transport Review and MITM Modelling Assessment

Rockbank North MTC UDF – Stormwater Management Strategy

Rockbank North MTC UDF – Peer Review of Economic Assessment – Final Report

Rockbank North Major Activity Centre – Economic Assessment

Frequently asked question (FAQ)