Project Background

Draft Master Plans developed for:

  • Thornhill Park Active Open Space Precinct
  • Weir Views East Active Open Space Precinct
  • Deanside Active Open Space Precinct
  • Plumpton North Active Open Space Precinct

The Draft Master Plans identify sport and recreation facilities to be provided for in accordance with sports facility demand planning. This planning identifies the most appropriate facilities for the allocated sports, ensuring we meet the current and future needs of the community. We welcome your feedback on how we can best structure the informal recreation opportunities within each reserve.

A district level play space is also identified within each masterplan, and we would like to hear your ideas on what facilities and elements you would like to see in this area.

Select from the map below to complete a short survey on your future sports reserve.

Have your say

See the map below for our 4 new active open space facilities. Click on a highlighted spot to visit its page and provide feedback via a short survey.

A map showing Active Open Space Locations