Project background

Under the Local Government Act 2020, we're required to develop a 10-year Financial Plan. The Financial Plan covers all aspects of our role in the community including the delivery of programs and services, building new infrastructure as well as the maintenance of roads, footpaths, bike paths, buildings, and parks.

The financial planning process helps us to understand our resourcing requirements to deliver the required levels of service and infrastructure for the community, while ensuring that we are financially sustainable over the long term. The plan has been prepared through a rigorous process of review by Council staff and Councillors to ensure that it is aligned to the community vision, Asset Plan and the objectives as set out in other Council strategies and management plans required as per the Local Government Act 2020.

We sought community feedback on our financial strategies and actions that make up this plan as well as to identify other financial strategies and actions the community would like to see adopted to ensure our ongoing financial sustainability.

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Council has developed this draft Financial Plan from a range of key inputs which include the community’s vision Melton City 2041 – The City We Create and engagement with a community panel as part of a deliberative engagement process. This is a new way of involving our community in the development of Council’s strategic plans, as prescribed under the Local Government Act 2020. Council is now seeking additional community input in the final stage of this Plan’s development specifically in relation to the strategic actions outlined within the plan, and the key actions to address revenue constraints.